Chord Scales
April 11, 2021
To build a hackable backing track player, we already laid the foundation of rhythm and harmony. What's missing: Melodies. Even if we just want a backing track player, playing melodies is required for basslines, or any kind of melodic fill in.
So far, we were generating voicings from chord symbols. The problem: melodies will eventually use notes that are not a chord note. Therefore, we need a way to find scales that fit to chord changes.
Note: This post is not optimized for dark mode.
Problem: Chord Scale Ambiguity
The main problem when searching for chord scales: most of the time, there are serveral scales that could be played over a single chord. And it depends on the surrounding chords which scale choices are better than others. Here is a video where Barry Harris talks about chords vs keys:
This is the chord they are talking about:
He says: "When you see a C minor in the key of Ab, it's not necessarily the C minor 7 that's in the key of Bb, so I cannot put a D natural in it. It's the Ab major scale."
In other words: As the Cm7 appears as in the context of Ab major, it can be seen as the 3rd step chord, which is based on the phrygian mode, which has a b9. So you would prefer phrygian over aeolian or dorian if you want to stay in Ab major.
A Little Sidenote
There are some people (including Barry Harris), that do not like the chord / scale approach. One reason is that the original jazz artists most certainly did not think that way. I still like having scale names as a means to express note material that exceeds 4 notes. If you would want to express more than 4 notes as chord symbols, it gets ugly.
Don't take the sentence "scale X can be played over chord Y" too seriously.. It does not mean you should be playing the scale up and down, it just means those 7 notes fit over the chord.
Hello 251
Let's dial back a little bit, and start with the "Hello World" of jazz chord progressions, the 251 in C major: Dm7 G7 C^7
When only using the 7 modes of the major scale (diatonic scales), there are 3 scales that could be played over the D minor 7 chord:
There is only one (diatonic) scale that can be played over a the G7 chord:
There are 2 scales that could be played over a the C major 7 chord:
Scale Graph
We can visualize the transitions between the possible scales in a graph like this:
- Each column shows the possible scales for one chord, with the arrows representing transitions between scales.
- The numbers indicate the number of accidentals that change between scales. We can use them to evaluate how smooth the scale transition will be.
- The colorization is used like described in this post.
Using this representation, we can turn it into a path finding problem.
Choice Tree
Navigating the graph above, we can follow one of 6 possible paths:
Here, the leftmost path is the optimal one, as its sum of values is 0. The worst path has a value of 3.
Now we arrived at the problem for this post: How do we find the optimal path through a graph of chord scales?
Implementing Chord Scale Graphs
As we have a general idea of the problem, let's implement this! Before we can do any path finding, we need to generate a scale graph from our chord changes.
Generally, a graph consists of nodes and edges, in our domain, those are:
- nodes: chord scales
- edges: scale transitions
Finding chord scales
To get our graph's nodes, we need to find all possible scales for a chord progression. What we want is something like this:
const chords = ['Dm7', 'G7', 'C^7']; => chordScales(chord, scaleModes('major')));
[ 'phrygian', 'aeolian', 'dorian' ],
[ 'mixolydian' ],
[ 'lydian', 'major' ]
Instead of just using Chord.chordScales, I am using a custom implementation that allows to filter the scales. As the core topic of this post should be the actual path finding, I put the details in a yellow box:
Show Implementation Details
Subsets and Supersets
To be able to find out which scales contain a chord, we need to understand the concept of subsets and supersets. To fully understand this, I recommend you to read my pitch class sets post first.
Sets can be related by being sub or supersets. For example, a C major chord is a subset of the C major scale. Also, the C major scale is a superset of a C major chord. So, a superset contains all notes of its subset + some more, while a subset contains some of its superset (and no others!).
In tonal, we can check if chromas are subsets or supersets:
const isSupersetOfChord = (chord) => PcSet.isSupersetOf(Chord.get(chord).chroma);
isSupersetOfChord('M')(Scale.get('major').chroma); // true
isSupersetOfChord('M')(Scale.get('minor').chroma); // false
const isSubsetOfScale = (chord) => PcSet.isSubsetOf(Scale.get(chord).chroma);
isSubsetOfScale('major')(Chord.get('M').chroma); // true
isSubsetOfScale('major')(Chord.get('m').chroma); // false
const isChordScale = (scale, chord) => isSupersetOfChord(chord)(Scale.get(scale).chroma);
isChordScale('major', 'M'); // true
isChordScale('major', 'm'); // false
const isScaleChord = (chord, scale) => isSubsetOfScale(scale)(Chord.get(chord).chroma);
isScaleChord('M', 'major'); // true
isScaleChord('m', 'major'); // false
For a better understanding, let's implement our own isSuperset function:
function isSuperset(superset, subset) {
const superDec = parseInt(superset, 2);
const subDec = parseInt(subset, 2);
return (superDec | subDec) === superDec;
isSuperset(Scale.get('major').chroma, Chord.get('M').chroma); // true
isSuperset(Scale.get('major').chroma, Chord.get('m').chroma); // false
Here we are using a bitwise OR operator. As bitwise OR expects a decimal input, we have to convert our chromas to decimal beforehand. Now, if we apply the or between superset and subset, the superset will be the result if the subset has no additional ones!
For completeness, we can now implement isSubset, using isSuperset:
function isSubset(subset, superset) {
return isSuperset(superset, subset);
isSubset(Chord.get('M').chroma, Scale.get('major').chroma); // true
isSubset(Chord.get('m').chroma, Scale.get('major').chroma); // false
Chord Scales
Now, if we want to know which scales we can play over a certain chord, we just have to look for supersets of the chords chroma. Luckily, there is already a method in tonal:
'ionian pentatonic',
'lydian pentatonic',
'double harmonic lydian',
'augmented heptatonic',
'harmonic major',
'double harmonic major',
'lydian #9',
'purvi raga',
'bebop major',
'kafi raga',
"messiaen's mode #3",
To understand how it works + to have more control over the output, let's reimplent it:
function chordScales(chord) {
const isSuperSet = PcSet.isSupersetOf(Chord.get(chord).chroma);
return Scale.names().filter((scale) => isSuperSet(Scale.get(scale).chroma));
Filtering Choices
The scale above choices are pretty overwhelming. We could limit the checked scales like that:
function chordScales(chord, scales = Scale.names()) {
const isSuperSet = PcSet.isSupersetOf(Chord.get(chord).chroma);
return scales.filter((scale) => isSuperSet(Scale.get(scale).chroma));
chordScales('^7', ['major', 'minor', 'lydian']);
// ['lydian', 'major']
As we may want all modes of a certain scale family, we can spare us some typing with this:
const oneOfModes = (families) => (scale) => => Scale.get(f).normalized).includes(Scale.get(scale).normalized);
const scaleModes = (...families) => Scale.names().filter(oneOfModes(families));
chordScales('^7', scaleModes('major', 'harmonic minor', 'melodic minor'));
// [ 'lydian', 'major', 'lydian #9' ]
Scale Transitions
For our graph's edges, we need to find a way to evaluate scale transitions.
To tell how much change is happening in a scale transition, we can use the chroma difference:
export const chromaDifference(a, b) => {
let diff = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < 12; ++i) {
diff += a[i] === b[i] ? 0 : 1
return diff;
This function will count how much characters of two chromas are different. Example:
101011010101 = C major
101011010110 = F major
__________^^ = 2 different bits
If we divide the different bits by 2, we get the difference in accidentals:
const fromCtoG = chromaDifference(scaleChroma('C major'), scaleChroma('F major')); // 2
const diff = fromCtoG / 2; // 1
In the final algorithm, we won't divide by 2, as it does not bring anything new to the table.
Rendering Scale Graphs
Now that we have our nodes (scales) and edges (scale transitions), we can generate a graph from a set of chord changes. To visualize the algorithm for development, we will use graphviz.
As this is also just an extra implementation, I'll put the details in a green box.
Show Implementation Details
To be able to use JSON instead of DOT, we will use jgf-dot:
import { Graphviz } from 'graphviz-react';
import toDot from 'jgf-dot';
export default function GraphvizJSON({ json, options }) {
if (!json) {
const dot = toDot(json);
// console.log('dot',dot);
return <Graphviz dot={dot} options={options} />;
We can use it like that:
options={{ height: 300 }}
graph: {
directed: true,
...chordScaleGraph(['Dm7', 'G7', 'C^7'], scaleModes('major')),
Finally, the chordScaleGraph function will output a json-graph that represents the scales of the given chords:
export default function chordScaleGraph(chords, allowedScales = scaleModes('major'), halfDifference = false) {
const scales = chords
.map((chord) => chordScales(chord, allowedScales))
.map((choices) => (choices.length > 0 ? choices : ['chromatic']));
let nodes = [];
let links = [];
scales.forEach((choices, i) => {
.map((choice) => `${Chord.tokenize(chords[i])[0]} ${choice}`)
.forEach((choice, j) => {
if (i > 0) {
const prev = scales[i - 1];
prev.forEach((sourceScale, k) => {
const source = nodes.length - j - prev.length + k;
const target = nodes.length;
let label = chromaDifference(scaleChroma(nodes[source].label), scaleChroma(choice));
if (halfDifference) {
label /= 2;
links.push({ source, target, label });
nodes.push({ label: choice, fillcolor: scaleColor(choice), style: 'filled' });
nodes =, id) => ({ ...node, id }));
return { nodes, edges: links };
UPDATE: replaced graphviz-react by @hpcc-js/wasm, which is internatlly used by d3-graphviz, which is a dependency of graphviz-react.
Finally, this is what we get:
Path Finding
As we now have all the tools we need, let's talk about how path finding works.
Naive Approach
A naive approach for a the algorithm would be to
- find all possible chord scales for the given progression
- calculate all possible transition values (accidental changes)
- walk all possible paths and sum transition values
- the path with the lowest transition value sum is the smoothest
Before implementing the algorithm above, let's think about its complexity. To find out the total number of paths, we can multiply the number of scale choices for each chord. In the 251 example, this is:
In a common tune, there might be 32 bars of chords (and more). Even if each bar only has one chord with only 2 possible scales, we get:
paths, which is quite a lot.
Smart Approach
A much more clever approach for path finding is something like Dijkstra's algorithm or the A* algorithm. The general trick is to only calculate the transitions needed, by always following the most promising path first. We will find out what that means below..
Step by Step Path Exploration
Before talking code, let's look at how the algorithm should behave, step by step.
To be able to see some interesting results, we will use the progression Dm7 G7 C^7 Cm7 F7 Bb^7
After pressing "Step" 9 times, it turns into "Done", and the algorithm has found the optimal path. In this case, we have a match before we even had to check all transitions. This works because:
- At each step, the path with the lowest value is extended
- when a path is extended, all other paths leading to its source will be ignored (as they are longer)
- The algorithm finishes if the path with the lowest value reaches the end.
This saves calculation time, which might seem marginal in this instance, but it will be a life saver for bigger graphs.
General Algorithm
Let's try to formulate the basic algorithm.
To think about links between nodes, let's use this type:
declare type Connection = [source: string | null, target: string, value: number];
- source: the node we come from, null if it's a start connection
- target: the node we are going to
- value: the total value to get there
Inside our algorithm, we will collect the following data:
- open: connections that we can follow next
- closed: connections that we already followed
- winner: contains the winning path when the algorithm is done
Let's again step through our example with the actual data:
{} |
Algorithm Loop
Now, the basic algorithm loop works like this:
or as text:
- find connection with minimum value
- stop if minimum connection leads to goal
- close that connection and all connections with the same target
- open all connections it leads to
- jump to 1
After all the talking, here is the code I came up with:
import { minIndex } from 'd3-array';
export declare type NodeID = string;
export declare type Target = [target: NodeID, value: number];
export function openNext(
startNodes: NodeID[],
endNodes: NodeID[],
getTargets: (source: NodeID) => Target[],
state: ConnectionState = {
open: => [null, node, 0]),
closed: [],
winner: false,
): ConnectionState {
let { open, closed } = state;
const getValue = (o) => o[2];
// 1. find connection with minimum value
const bestIndex = minIndex(open, getValue);
const best = open[bestIndex];
// 2. stop if minimum connection leads to goal
if (endNodes.includes(best[1])) {
return { open, closed, winner: traceWinner(best) };
// 3a. close that connection
closed = closed.concat([best]);
const [_, newSource, distance] = best;
// 4. open all connections it leads to
const connections: Connection[] = getTargets(newSource).map(
([target, value]): Connection => [newSource, target, distance + value]
open = [, bestIndex), ...connections, + 1)];
// 3b. close all connections that lead to already closed targets
open = open.filter((c) => !closed.find(([_, target, v]) => target === c[1] && v <= getValue(c)));
return { open, closed, winner: false };
// trace back winner from closed paths
function traceWinner(winner) {
const path = [winner[0], winner[1]];
if (!path[0]) {
return [path[1]];
while (!startNodes.includes(path[0])) {
const prev = closed.find((c) => c[1] === path[0]);
return path;
We can run it like this:
export default function bestPath(
startNodes: NodeID[],
endNodes: NodeID[],
getTargets: (source: NodeID) => Target[]
): any[] {
let state: ConnectionState;
while (true) {
state = openNext(startNodes, endNodes, getTargets, state);
if (state.winner) {
return state.winner;
I did this seperation to be able to run openNext as a generator function for the step by step explorations.
Running the algorithm on chord scales
The implementation above is a general purpose path finding algorithm. We can use it for the chord scale problem like this:
const getNodeID = (level, scale) => `${level}.${scale}`;
const colorDiff = (source, target) => {
return source && scaleChroma(source) !== scaleChroma(target) ? 1 : 0;
const scaleTargets = (graph) => (nodeID) => {
const [lvl, source] = nodeID.split('.');
const level = parseInt(lvl);
if (level >= graph.length - 1) {
return [];
return graph[level + 1].map((target): Target => [
getNodeID(level + 1, target),
scaleDifference(source, target) + colorDiff(source, target),
export default function bestChordScales(chords, scales = scaleModes('major', 'harmonic minor', 'melodic minor')) {
const choices = => chordScales(chord, scales, true));
return bestPath(
choices[0].map((scale) => getNodeID(0, scale)),
choices[choices.length - 1].map((scale) => getNodeID(choices.length - 1, scale)),
).map((node) => node.split('.')[1]);
Running On Real Tunes
Now comes the fun part: let's look if this actually works on real tunes:
This Tune is not that long, but it has a few modulations:
If we compare the finished graph above with a graph that includes every possible connection, we see how much work we could save:
Using the result of the algorithm, here is a colored version of the sheet:
Problem: A set of changes is mostly played in a loop, but the result has a break between the end and the beginning. Instead of C melodic minor, we could play harmonic minor at the beginning to better fit the ending.
Possible Solution: We could put the sheet 3 times in sequence:
... and cut out the middle:
With this, we have a loopable version of the chord scales.. Of course, in practice, we can decide when to switch colors.
Note: The ends of some scales might not fit in the cells. You can hover over a cell to see the full name.
All The Things You Are
As a last example, we can go full circle and run this on All The Things You Are
full graph:
And finally, this is how the colored version of this sheet looks like:
Looking at the Cm7 chord we talked about at the beginning of this post, we see that it is correctly recognized as part of Ab major! So Barry Harris would be proud... Maybe not.
Now we can automatically detect how chords go together in a tune. This opens a wide field of possibilities, for example:
- Generating chord substitutions from scales, using 9ths 11ths and 13ths
- "You should know the rules to know how to break them": The scales we get can be seen as a zero point of tension. We can gradually add tension by altering the scales.
- Generating Melodies / Basslines
- Roman Numeral Analysis